Greetings and Welcome to In Vino Veritas Advice!
This is my first EVER blog. So bare with me as I get acclimated to everything. Please check out my profile for further information on who I am, what I do, and why I am here.
In Vino Veritas = Latin: "In Wine [there is the] Truth"
Mission Statement:
My goal of IVVA is to provide advice on wine & liquor, in the simplest and easy to understand terms possible. I do not claim to be a professional. I just work at a liquor store, which gives me the opportunity and also a sort of "duty" to have a better understanding of alcohol. I will do my best to not only provide you with my opinion, but also "facts" about that which I review. I am always open to suggestions, comments, criticism, and different & opposing viewpoints.
Everything I review will have a 1-10 rating (10 being the best). Wine will also receive a "Dry to Sweet" rating of 1-10 (1 being Very Dry, 10 being Very Sweet)
I will concentrate on wine reviews. Liquor I will only do if I have the opportunity to try something new/expensive/earth shattering. I will not review beer. Please don't ask me to, I like beer and all but most unique beer is local. I will often review Bully Hill Vineyard's Wine, which is a local winery and I am not sure of its availability beyond New York state. I do this because I strongly believe in supporting my local economy. I also encourage you to buy liquor & wine from your local small businesses as well, and avoid Corporate monsters like Premier. If you are going to buy, help out your local small business as that keeps your spent cash in your local economy.
Alot of my first few posts will be copypasta from my Facebook. If you know who I am, please don't expose my identity or where I work or any other personal information. Who I am is not really relevant, and what is relevant is in my profile.
All questions, comments, requests, criticism, and things of the like can be directed to my IVVA email:
And remember, always drink responsibly and do NOT drink and drive! I cannot stress this enough!
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